The Checklist
The first time I saw a checklist was when I went to visit gas stations with my father when I was five or six years old. I had seen paper and pencil before, I just wasn’t clear on the effective use of these implements.
READ MORE: I Have Questions… by Jeff Cutler
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Dad – My father helped with that. His checklist had about a dozen things on it every day, and he’d methodically go down the list accomplishing things and crossing them off. It was glorious. It was my introduction to a world of accomplishment. A pretty frenetic introduction, but still one that would impact my entire existence.
Soooooo, back to the Caprice Classic wagon and the multi-gas station tour around the Northeast. Dad would visit a station, talk to the manager, dip the tanks, fill out some paperwork, collect some receipts, and then move on to the next gas station. The smells and sounds were fascinating and the time flew by.
Boy Puppy – I was treated exactly the same way you might treat a puppy you’ve taken to work. I would sit in my car seat looking out the window at the world. During warm weather, the windows were down and I could hear the discussions. The language was almost as salty as the snacks we’d get out of the machines or from the roach coach.
Roach Coach – If you’re not familiar, a roach coach is a stainless steel truck that has a yodel horn and drives around to gas stations, construction sites, and an assortment of other places where that type of cuisine is appreciated.
I appreciated it, and until I was a teenager, I thought lunch was always a meal served with the essence of motor oil and gas fumes. In fact, for a while during high school, I couldn’t fully enjoy a meatball sub unless I poured unleaded on my hands first.
But I digress. I’m telling you about checklists. And I’m telling this particular checklist formation story to emphasize the….
LFC Supporters’ Checklist – 24-25 LFC Edition
Food – At the pub, a proper English (or Irish if forced) breakfast of beans, eggs, puddings, breads, and tomatoes. Along with strong tea with milk ONLY. And Guinness should be on-tap.
Info – Truth in post-match interviews. Don’t be modest, if we played well say so. And remember, reality distortion doesn’t work….see the Erik ten Hag entry on the Manure checklist.
Calm – A sheltered and safe area for the supporters’ line. A huge part of match day is spending time in line at an ungodly hour, waiting for ‘your’ seat at the pub.
Social – Hashtags saved in your social accounts, so you can easily shoot out updates with REDS #ynwa #lfc #97 #SlotSlotSlot #TAA etc. It’s important that when something significant happens on the pitch we let the #MyPLMorning tag never lack any Liverpool content.
Clothes – Kits at the ready and coordinated to the jerseys the boys are wearing that gameday. Extra points if you are fully stocked with color-coordinated socks and boots. *Bringing the current game ball to the pub is a bit much and is deserving of a yellow.
Jeff – A copy of the critical article on restroom timing and LFC pitch activity. If you haven’t a copy in your wallet, it’s here. Now you can enjoy the game more than those not fully informed on when the team wants you to take a leak.
AS – Research and opinion on the next match, prior match, and the season as a whole. This info is right here on every day. Add the podcasts to your content consumption and suddenly you could be at the desk with Rebecca and the Robbies.
Truth – A calendar that FRIGGIN’ says where the game is being broadcast and when. Some people (ME) live in an area where one pub gets Peacock and not USA or NBC, and another pub 80 miles away gets USA and NBC, but not Peacock. It would be nice if I could decide which direction I’m headed on a weekend morning without scrolling through TV schedules and menus to discover this one match is on TNT.
VAR – I hesitate to put this on the list for fear I’m beating a horse that will never change – but wouldn’t it be nice if some of the VAR decisions made sense? I mean, it’s almost as if VAR is the gaslighting element the EPL never needed.
People – Without the supporters, the sport dies. We are the lifeblood and our connections are important. Perhaps the biggest item on this checklist is to find your tribe. Seek out people who are smart, kind, and care about Liverpool and the EPL. These are the people who will keep you excited when we’re not doing well. And these are the friends and family you will celebrate with when we win.
Life – We are only human. While the beautiful game is important, we still live the majority of our lives outside that bubble. Remember who and what is important. Sure, LFC is there, but so is family, community, friends, and yourself. Take time to step back and appreciate all we have. It only happens once.…so grab onto this life and celebrate it.
Resilience – Learn it. Have it. Keep it. Exude it. Without resilience, we wouldn’t even be watching the EPL. We’d be in a very different world with different priorities and beliefs. At the very least, learn how to adapt when things go awry. Things look pretty good now, and I’m an Arne convert. But if we get on the wrong side of VAR for a stretch, this could be a whole different ballgame. And speaking of that…
Appreciation – We’re SO lucky to have this side. The players, the management, the coaching. It’s magnificent and if we fail to notice it now, that would be a travesty. Appreciate the brilliance you see now in front of us. It doesn’t last forever, so embrace it while it’s here.
That’s all I’ve got on my checklist right now. I’m sure there will be things added as the season progresses. Feel free to toss in some checklist items in the comments.
Thanks for reading….see you next month. – J